Article 1 – Duration
Each activity (challenges or collaborative project) has a start and end date/hour. Participant should refer to the deadline of each specific activity in the upcoming events tab. Hours are given in GMT.
We can’t accept any submission delay. Note that you are still allowed to submit your project up to 3 days after the deadline, but it can’t be considered for the contest and is put out of the running, except in some exceptional and justified cases. After the deadline, the submission box is to be found on the corresponding activity page in «realisations»
Article 2 – Admission
Each activity is designed for a specific age bracket. Please check that the participant is allowed to take part to the activity before getting involved and subscribing to this specific activity, unless your subscription may not be accepted.
Project realisation can be individual or collective. According to the activity, Perspicosm encourages to find project partners with an other cultural background. For this purpose, Perspicosm can help participants networking thanks to its own international community.
Each activity should be realized in a specific target language, which can be either a second language or the first language. Please refer to the language indication of each specific activity in the upcoming events tab.
All requirements are indicated for each activity in the upcoming events tab. If they aren’t fullfiled, candidate may be put out of the running.
In Perspicosm, we promote inventivity and creative innovation. Note that plagiarism is totally forbidden. Any plagiarized work will be automatically discarded.
Any uncompleted and late submitted work can’t be considered by Perspicom team.
Article 3 – Subscription for an activity
Any website user registered in the Perspicosm community can apply for an activity. For more details about the user account creation, please read the section « become member ».
Subscription for an activity requires a secure online payment. Regular price for each activity is indicated in the payment section before purchase and in the section « become a member ». Some discounts occur if a 5-activities or 10-activities package is purchased. To know more about these cost advantages, please read the section « become member ».
These fees will be paid by secure transfer through Stripe to the organizer Perspicosm’s account. Registration will only be effective after receipt of payment.
Once the project completed, the candidate can easily upload his/her realization in the submission section in his/her personal space.
Article 4 – Jury Deliberation and awards
If the activity is a contest, submitted realizations are examinated within a few days or a few weeks by the jury.
-a first jury, composed of three adults, examine whether the project meets the eligibility criteria and advise on the orthographic and stylistic quality of the written presentation, as well as the critical reflection inherent in the competition topic.
-depending on the contest, a second jury is sometimes called. This second jury is composed of a group of children of the same age as the candidates, who will judge the interest of the story and its relevance to the theme of the competition.
In order to guarantee the credibility of the winners selection process, the members of the jury will sign a confidentiality commitment before consulting the projects. The members of the jury must denounce any real or potential conflict of interest in connection with any project. Any person in a conflict of interest cannot participate in the evaluation of this project and must also be absent from discussions on this subject. The organisers guarantee teachers and educators the impartiality of the jury members in evaluating the projects submitted.
Each panel member will be required to score all projects against the evaluation criteria set out below by completing an evaluation grid.
Evaluation criteria
According the the activity or contest, these criteria may differ. Please refer to each specific activity in the upcoming events tab. In general, the project has to match with these requirements :
1. Formal criteria : Respect for the activity/contest topic, number of characters in a story telling, pages number, language skills (spelling and syntax)
2. Integration of all required criteria
3. Aesthetic quality of visual support
4. Originality, creativity, innovation, critical analysis
5. [sometimes] Relevance of the sources used to realize the project (website, book reference or magazine, etc.)
Particular case
In case of a tie, if two or more project receive the same rating from the jury and win a prize, an equality breach must occur. The project concerned will be presented to a second jury composed of two persons chosen by the organizer who will not have participated in the initial jury, and who will have to unanimously choose the rating of these projects, based on the evaluation criteria, but without giving a numerical result.
Article 5 – Results/Winner disclosure
If the activity is a contest, recipients will be contacted by email short after the final jury deliberation.
The winners’ names (first name and country) will be announced on the Perspicosm website. To be declared the winner of the prize, the winner must be contacted by the organizer within seven working days of the final selection of the jury. He/she will be required to send a photo of himself/herself to the organizer (which could be posted on the website or any promotional material, with written permission from the legal representant).
If the nominated winner does not reply within seven days after receiving the email or if the information provided by the teacher or educator at the time of his or her registration does not make it possible to inform him or her of his or her prize, he will lose the status of winner and will not be able to make any claims. The organizer reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to verify the information contained on the activity or contest Entry Form of any candidate.
If the information is false, the organizer reserves the right to disqualify the candidate. In these circumstances, the organizer will ask the jury to select another project as a potential winner of the prize.
In the case that the winners are unable to benefit, in whole or in part, from their prize, for any reason whatsoever, they will lose the benefit, without the possibility of obtaining any consideration whatsoever.
The prize awarded may not be contested.
Article 6 – Prizes
Depending on the ranking of the project, Perspicosm awards some prizes. In this case, they are specified for each activity in the upcoming events tab or in the registration confirmation mail the participant receives after registration for an activity.
Acceptation des prix
All prices must be accepted as described in the official regulations and cannot be transferred to another person or school, exchanged for another price, money or credit, in whole or in part.
Article 7 – Organiser responsability
The organizer will not be responsible for lost, incomplete, illegible, late or misdirected productions or for any failure of the contest or application website during the contest period, or for any technical failure or other problems with any telephone networks or lines, online computing, servers, access providers, computer hardware or software, or for technical problems or congestion on the Internet or on a website or application, or any combination thereof, and will not be liable for any damages caused to any person as a result of the participation or attempted participation of that person or the participation of another person in the contest.
Article 8 – Participant and Educator responsability
The applicant and the educator vouch for having obtained the rights to use the images, texts and music in the project, if applicable. As such, it is the responsibility of the applicant and the educator to obtain authorizations from any third party who has directly or indirectly participated in the performance of the activity or who believes that they have any right to assert and charge any costs and payments arising therefrom.
The applicant and the educator guarantee that they have the right to deposit the project produced in the framework of the contest and that this is authentic version because any plagiarism can be sanctioned.
The applicant and the educator, whether winner of the contest or not, shall transfer to the organizers, free of charge, all the economic rights relating to the realisation, namely the reproduction rights, representation, editing and adaptation of the realisation. The applicant and the educator shall grant the organizers the right to broadcast the realisation without time limit to illustrate its communications activities, at national and international level, in the form of a website, multimedia animation, exhibition, paper publishing (free or paid distribution), press or advertising campaign, or any other form of communication, vis-à-vis third parties. The provisions of this regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication on the website.
Article 9 – General rules
Participation in an activity or contest implies acceptance of this policy in its entirety, including any additional amendments. All practical difficulties in interpreting or applying this regulation shall be decided by the organizers. In case of force majeure or if circumstances so require, the organizers reserve the right to modify these rules, to postpone, to modify or to cancel the activity or contest. Its liability cannot be incurred as a result of these amendments.
Privacy policy
The organizers undertake to treat the personal information collected in the project submission forms as confidential. For more details, please read our privacy policy.
Costs reimbursement
Expenses incurred by teachers, educators or schools can be refunded within 7 days, if explicitly requested. Depending on your payment provider, it can take up to 10 days for the refunded amount to your account.
Data protection act
Participation in the activity or contest gives rise to the establishment of automated processing, being specified that the information requested is mandatory for participation in the activity or competition to be taken into account. The applicant and the educator have a right of access, rectification and deletion of the data collected during their participation in the competition.
Note: In this regulation, the masculine gender covers both genders and is used to lighten the text.